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Regno Unito

provincia Scotland
Galashiels, TD12BZ
28 Melrose Road

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Altri servizi


  google places 4.4

Carburante Prezzo
Synergy Unleaded 95 1,459 £/l
Дизелово гориво Synergy Diesel 1,525 £/l
Supreme Diesel 0,000 £/l

I prezzi sono approssimativi

James Heatlie
Google Places© на 25.09.2023

Amazing staff, lovely food and room.

Rachel Cruickshank
Google Places© на 23.07.2023

Cheapest petrol around even beating the nearby supermarkets! Even has a variety of goodies inside that the local shop does not have! There’s only 4 staff who work in there (I could be missing someone and if so I’m sorry) and they are all ever so friendly. Often quite busy, but busy for more then one reason! They are good at their job for sure!

Brian Forrest
Google Places© на 11.07.2023

I've dealt here for many years and recommended to friends and colleagues with no complaints! O mean feat in this day & age...??

Tony Elliot
Google Places© на 15.06.2023

Always friendly staff. Mostly go there for Squash cards to be fair, but any other times for fuel, there's never a problem. Thank you.

John Rafferty
Google Places© на 07.06.2023

A good place to put fuel in the tank. so why would I got to the bakers. So I can watch the van role down the hill

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